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The Leah 

"Living Loved & Valued in
The Leah Inheritance."

A Six Week Breakthrough Cohort for Families who have Children with Special Needs. 

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Week One - Rueben
"Breaking Free from a Life of Despair"

“Leah conceived, gave birth to a son, and named him Reuben, saying, “Because YAHWEH looked upon me with compassion in my misery, surely, my husband will love me now!”
Genesis 29:32 TPT

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Week Three - Levi
"Joy amidst Loneliness and Isolation"

“Leah conceived the third time, gave birth to a son, and named him Levi, saying, “This time my husband will be joined to me, because now I’ve given him three sons!”
Genesis 29:34 TPT

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Week Five - Judah & The Mark of Kingship
"Stepping into Sacrificial love-- The Hallmark of the Gospel."

“Then Judah spoke up and said to Israel, “Father, I promise to guarantee his safety with my life. You can hold me personally responsible if I don’t return with him. I’ll bear the blame before you for the rest of my life if I fail to bring him safely back to you!” Genesis 43:8 TPT

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Week Two - Simeon
"Living Above Shame, Embarrassment, and Dishonor"

“She conceived again, gave birth to a son, and named him Simeon, saying, “YAHWEH has heard that I am despised, and in his mercy, he has given me this son also.”
Genesis 29:33 TPT

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Week Four - Judah 
"Out of Deliverance-- Praise will arise!”

“Once again, Leah conceived and gave birth to a son. She named him Judah, saying, “This time I will praise the Lord!” Genesis 29:35 TPT

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Week Six- Judah & The Inheritance of Kingship

"Crucifying the Giants of Rebellion and Possessing the Promised Land."

“Now give me this hill country the Lord promised me on that day, because you heard then that the Anakim are there, as well as large fortified cities. Perhaps the Lord will be with me and I will drive them out as the Lord promised.” Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as an inheritance. Therefore, Hebron still belongs to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite as an inheritance today because he followed the Lord, the God of Israel, completely.”
Joshua 14:12-14 TPT

Sign up to Join

2025 Winter Cohort 

2025 Spring Cohort 
April 2 - May 14
Via Zoom weekly every Wednesday at 9am PST 

*No class April 16*

*2025 Fall Cohort 

October 2025

*Church Leadership-

If you are interested in joining,

we will be offering integration starting in our

Fall Cohort. Please sign up for this waitlist.

Free of Charge - Donations Encouraged

Select which waitlist you are interested in below
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“Leah’s children wanted to walk in the favor and influence of society but God wanted a consecrated people who would be set apart to minister unto Him as Prophets, Priests, and Kings.”

“So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.”

1 Samuel 1:28

Join The Acts 2 Table Group as we encourage our families and children to seek the Lord as an inheritance

Mailing Address

5255 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 198

Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

A 501(c)3 disability ministry partnering with the Lord to restore hope to the heartbroken and show His love to the world.

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